Version History
- Added support for Gas Devices
- Device muting functionality
- Flocation client and builder support added
- Energy device analytics
- Reworked dashboard with filtering and sorting
- Sorted Location List
- Added country identifiers to each location
- Location payments for trials has changed
- Timezone support has been added, data will now show in your timezone
- Historic Alerts lists available in location view
- Profile Photos now support all image filetypes
- Graphing engine reworked with correct time support and deselect all option
- Added support for version 2 of the app
- Locations now expire rather than accounts
- PayFast integrated for new subscriptions with free trial and discount options
- Users can now request to view locations
- Door Analytics now available in the location view
- Energy Devices are now supported for instantaneous power and power factor
- Reports can be generated from the analytics page
- Graph view now supports all dataset types
- Fixed bugs such as marking devices as disconnected when they are not
- Improved data processing speed for graph and csv file downloading
- Made time values more readable throughout system
- Complete Redesign of Web interface
- Added complete support for multi-dataset devices
- Added User Profiles including ability to upload a profile photo
- Significantly reduced the amount of page reloading by increasing dynamic page updating
- Restructured placement of device lists and location information with more granular control
- Restructured endpoints to be in new format
- Changed Terms & Conditions location on account creation
- Viewers of a location also receive notification (mobile and email) now
- Users can no longer change their email address, contact a superuser for help
- Added error 500 catch with automatic dev notification
- Device Statuses Update to be closer to real-time now
- Added Wi-Fi Password Encryption
- Support for HCM (Huawei Cloud Messaging) added to support the use of the app on the App Gallery
- Jittering on some computers on the Device Page has been updated
- Account limitation errors have been corrected, this will no longer pose an issue for new users
- Updated email templates and added a 'new user' email
- Removed caching error on Dashboard
- Corrected other minor visual errors
- Removed login expiry system in favour of location expiry
- Removed contacts system in favour of viewers assigned to locations through the location management view
- Added datasets as an interim between devices and telemetry to allow for multiple datasets per device
- Added Viewable locations to dashboard and adjusted no device colour to grey
- Added 'create new account' functionality
- Added 'no locations' texts to the Dashboard
- Added user account limitations (can add location, device and viewers)
- Restructure API for Hardware Devices
- Corrected badges on device page
- Added Version History Page
- Add location feature moved to the top
- Added 'forgot my password' functionality
- Corrected behaviour of expiry dates for contacts
- Added loading animation for location page
- Corrections to App Handler
- Added Version Number
- Corrected visual issues on Dashboard and Location pages
- Initial Release